Don is a self-taught award winning artist who has been painting for more than 20 years and was an aerospace engineer until his retirement in 2007. He uses watercolor and gouache (opaque watercolor) to create paintings with rich color and sharp detail. Part of his work consists of numerous California landscapes and a complete set of California Missions. He is a member of the Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society (SCVWS) and the Los Altos Art Club.
He participated in his first exhibit in 2007 and has since been in various juried shows including at Filoli Garden. He had two paintings accepted into the Triton Museum of Art’s 2012 Statewide Watercolor Competition and Exhibition (out of about 500 entries only 90 were selected). At the 2010 Annual SCVWS Member Show he won the “Beyond the Surface” Award and also received Third Place in the Popular Choice voting. He also received a University Art Sponsor Award at the 2011 SCVWS Member Show.
His work has been displayed at several art galleries in Northern California. Examples of his artwork can be found online by performing a google search for Los Altos Art Club and looking under Gallery. He is available to paint commissioned scenes and portraits.